THE DIG – 3 (The Hilarious Lockdown 2020…!)

My dear friends, readers….

Thanks for joining me on the third “Dig”

It’s crazy to think about where we are right now; current changes that have impacted not only our immediate surroundings but the whole world as we know it!

I do not want to belittle the negative effect this has played in many peoples lives and my thoughts and prayers go out to all of them, with an ultimate wish that we get out of this reality and get back to normalcy, with many bright, sunny days ahead of us!

In these trying times, we need to stay focused, balanced and positive. So in an effort to keep our spirits light, high and in equilibrium, I have dedicated the last couple of days, to scanning through the internet, to be able to source out the most hilarious posts I have seen shared amongst all of you out there. If your post figures in here…then thank you, if not….maybe in the next dig…. !

Whatever the case, please enjoy, laugh and stay creative and positive! Love and blessings to all!

Thanks for joining me!

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Happy Reading!

Chriselda Barretto

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Fairy tales for the new generation

Great 2019 memories

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For children who are missing their teachers…”yelling”! 🙂

“Un Mondo D’Amore” for Italy.

The government says it’s OK to walk your pet once a day 👍😉 🐢

Disclaimer: I do not take credit for any of the material above…they come from various people sharing posts…many posts online on social media. I would like to thank all of them for their creativity and great sense of humor!!